Episode 9 – 3 Day Novel Contest AKA Give Me Your Demon Powers

Get in gear, gather your story ideas, and invoke an arcane power that includes but is not limited to demons—Clare & Sam did the Three Day Novel contest! A month ago!

The only question is, did they survive? What kinds of trials and tribulations did they endure working on their own respective projects? Have their skulls been scooped out like so many pumpkins, and what are the benefits, if any, of front-loading a ton of writing in three days?

Join the BFFs on their 3 Day Journey into Madness and maybe you’ll learn a thing or two about the discipline of writing—or, at least, the sheer pigheadedness of it.


Extra music in this episode by Podington Bear.
3 Day Novel Contest
Kelly Robson’s Clarksworld article – “The Dream of Writing Full Time”
Clare’s Storified Tweets
Sam’s Storified Tweets

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